Minneriya National Park – Habarana

minneriya national park with srilankan Riders

Minneriya National Park, located in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka, is a captivating wildlife sanctuary and one of the country’s most popular national parks. Spanning an area of approximately 8,889 hectares (21,888 acres), it renowned for its abundant wildlife and the famous gathering of elephants known as “The Gathering.”

The park’s history can be traced back to the 3rd century BC, during the reign of King Mahasena. The ancient Minneriya Tank, built by King Mahasena, forms the centerpiece of the park. It is a man-made reservoir that serves as a vital water source for the surrounding wildlife.

Minneriya National Park is primarily known for its large elephant population. During the dry season, which typically occurs from May to September, the park becomes a gathering point for hundreds of elephants. This unique phenomenon, known as “The Gathering,” considered one of the largest elephant gatherings in the world. It is a breathtaking sight as herds of elephants, including females, calves, and dominant males, come together to feed, bathe, and socialize around the Minneriya Tank.

Animals in minneriya National Park

Apart from elephants, the park is home to a diverse range of wildlife. Visitors have the opportunity to spot various species of mammals and including sambar deer. In addition  Sri Lankan axis deer and wild boars. And also water buffaloes and Sri Lankan leopards. The park is also a haven for bird enthusiasts, with over 160 species of birds recorded. Spot-billed pelicans, painted storks, grey herons, and various species of eagles and owls are among the avian highlights.

One of the park’s unique features is its abundance of aquatic birds. The wetlands surrounding the Minneriya Tank attract a wide variety of water birds and including the magnificent spot-billed pelican.  Which nests in large colonies within the park.

Visitors can explore Minneriya National Park through guided jeep safaris, which offer an up-close and personal experience with the wildlife. Experienced guides help visitors navigate through the park’s trails, increasing the chances of spotting animals and providing valuable insights about the park’s ecology and history.

In addition to wildlife viewing, Minneriya National Park offers picturesque landscapes with a mix of grasslands, wetlands, and scrub forests. The park’s scenic beauty, especially during sunset or sunrise, adds to the overall experience.


minneriya park sri lanka
minneriya park sri lanka sri lankan riders
wildlife sri lanka
minneriya wildlife
minneriya park sri lanka
minneriya park sri lanka

It is important to note that Minneriya National Park is part of the larger cultural triangle of Sri Lanka.  Which includes UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Sigiriya and Dambulla. Visitors can combine their visit to Minneriya with exploration of these historical and cultural attractions, creating a well-rounded trip.

Minneriya National Park is an exceptional destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Its unique elephant gathering, diverse wildlife, and stunning landscapes make it a must-visit attraction in Sri Lanka. Finally, the park’s conservation efforts, along with its significant historical and ecological value, contribute to its standing as a cherished national treasure.